Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Kyungsung angkatan 11 (2016)

Terima kasih untuk mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Kyungsung University angkatan 11 (2016) yang sudah mempercayakan kami Yayasan Kyungsung Indonesia sebagai penjembatan antara kalian dengan pihak university.
Selamat menempuh pendidikan kalian,Wujudkan cita-cita kalian di kyungsung university.
Jangan takut untuk mengejar cita- cita kalian di negeri gingseng karna kami ada untuk menemani kalian sekarang dan nanti . 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Angkatan ke-9 Mahasiswa/i Kyungsung University Korea

Terimakasih untuk semua mahasiswa/i Kyungsung University angkatan ke 9 tahun 2014 yang sudah memberi kepercayaan kepada kami Yayasan Kyungsung Indonesia dan memilih Kyungsung University sebagai tempat untuk kalian melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi.

Kami bangga memiliki keluarga baru seperti kalian......

Tak lupa kami Ucapkan Selamat kepada seluruh siswa/i angkatan ke 9 tahun 2014 yang telah menyelesaikan General Korean Language Course di Yayasan Kyungsung Indonesia.

Selamat berjuang untuk menempuh Pendidikan S1 di Kyungsung University, Busan, Korea selatan ^^

Yayasan Kyungsung Indonesia
Gedung Wisma Slipi  (Lt. 3)
Jl. Letjend S. Parman Kav. 1
Slipi - Jakarta Barat 11480

Telp. (021) 532 - 7971
Fax.  (021) 532 - 7972

Friday, July 15, 2016

Kyungsung's history

The University was established by the late Reverend Dr. Kim Gil-Chang, a pioneer of Christianity in Korea. The university was originally called Kyungnam Teacher's College established in 1955 under the ideals of Christian love and service, In 1979 the school was re-organized and renamed Pusan Industrial University. At the tie of the founding of Pusan Industrial University, the General Construction Committee began work on expanding and improving the quality of the university's facilities. As a result, the university received official sanctioning as a general university in September, 1983. The name of the university was changed to Kyungsung University in 1988 during the process of becoming an international university which can fulfil the needs of today's society.

The university will have 10 undergraduate colleges (Liberal Arts, Law and Politics, Commerce and Economics, Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Arts, Theology, Multimedia, and Chinese) in 2011 encompassing 7 different faculties and 54 departments (in 2011 the maximum freshmen enrollments will be 3,120 students).

There are seven graduate schools (General, International Management, Multimedia, Education, Social Welfare, Clinical Pharmacy, and Digital Design). In addition, seven affiliated organizations and seven affiliated research institutes have been established to aid teaching and research. Kyungsung University's 700 employees and over 13,000 students are all working together to achieve the school's educational goals.

A message from the President

Kyungsung University President 

"We will make a university which challenge the Future."
We will make a University willing to challenge the future based on its foundation philosophy of the Christianity for love and service. Our University has seen many developments and changes over the years thanks to the unwavering determination and endless efforts of its members, along with help from the local community and other outside sources. Though we are proud of our history we have for the past half century.

We are more interested in facing the challenges of the future than in talking about our past achievements. As the information-based society of the future dawns, Universities must strive to produce creative academic research facilities while at the same time cultivate future-oriented individuals who can compete in today's workforce. Kyungsung University has foreseen the rapid changes in the modern society. Our university provides something differentiated and adhering education system escaping from the existing educational frame in university that is so common and monotonous and especially our university has a slogan for educational renaissance and Kyungsung renaissance, so that it is aimed at nurturing qualified persons by reinforcing the education for sensibility and leadership as a competent leader who has the professional mind. The quality of a university isn't determined b its size alone. The will and efforts of the school members and faculty make the school stand out among others. We must recognise the truth as we do our best to create a quality university.

Student Activities

Throughout the year many kinds of academic, artistic, and athletic festival are held to enhance school spirit and to further the ideals of the university. The Daedong Festival is held each year around May 30, the anniversary of the founding of Kyungsung University. Each department also holds its own "Fall Festival" during the fall semester. Various volunteer service activities are carried out by student groups including volunteer agricultural service three times every year during the spring, summer, and fall.

Student Welfare Facilities

Kyungsung University's student welfare facilities consist of student convenience facilities and general campus facilities. Student convenience facilities include the departmental meeting rooms, men's and women's lounge ares in each college, club meeting rooms, and student council offices. General campus facilities include student and faculty cafeterias, snack bar, general store, barbershop, beauty parlor, copy center, photo shop, optical center, computer store, travel agency, coffee shop, bank, and post office.

The student convenience facilities provide an open and free environment for academic and extra-curricular activities. Operation and maintenance of the convenience facilities is done by the students themselves and helps enhance school pride and culture. The general campus facilities provide quality goods and services at modest prices. Items needed for campus life are available. These facilities are sensitive to the changing needs of the Kyungsung University community. Profits are put into welfare fund that is available to Kyungsung University members in time of need.

Research Institute

The cultural performance facilities at Kyungsung University are equipped with state of the art sound and lighting systems as well as multimedia presentation equipment. Since opening in September 1983, the 499 seat Concert Hall has played an important role in the local culture community. The Small Theater and Small lecture Hall, which opened with the Multimedia and information Building in November 1997, are used not only for classes and lectures, but also for a variety of performances, movies and seminars.